A Friend, in Need, Is a Friend, Indeed

A Friend, In Need, Is a Friend, Indeed

Most days we get to the work site before 8:00. We sit in the car for a few minutes praying and talking about what we’ll try to accomplish that day, and then we get to work, just the two of us, sometimes getting along great and sometimes on each other’s nerves (to varying degrees). We usually work until 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. Long days, sometimes, and we’ve been doing it for months—six days a week. Sometimes Kevin works alone when Sue is off running errands, babysitting our grandson, or doing something with her mother. But every once in awhile we get a welcome visit from a friend, family member, or neighbor, and sometimes someone even comes to help.

For example, our friend Don Van Byssum spent a couple days with us helping with the second-floor sheathing and some of the kitchen framing.

Don and Kevin
Yeah, we bad.
Don Van Byssum
“I’ll have to come back someday and see this kitchen soffit when it’s finished, Kevin, because I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

And friends from way back, Russ and Diane Renner, came for a cook out and bonfire. Of course, first Russ helped with some framing of the second story connecting wall. He also loaned us a life-saving harness that actually did prevent Kevin from falling off the roof a couple of times.

Russ and Diane
They look exactly the same as they did circa 30 years ago when we met them.
Russ and Kevin gun
Varmints need not apply.
“It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing….”

Another friend, Mary Vilim, showed up in work clothes (with lunch for us), ready to help with whatever we needed. Her task–not so glamorous, but enormously appreciated– was pulling nails and screws from the living room ceiling to clear the path for the drywall that will some day go up there. Mary climbed up on a stool and–one by one–pulled them out or whacked off the heads with a hammer. When it’s time to drywall that ceiling we’re going to be thanking Mary again. And the salads she brought us were delicious!

Mary Vilim
She is a math genius. We probably should have had her doing calculations to estimate material quantities or figuring out the stair treads and rises. Oh well, this just proves how multi-talented she is.

Our friends Jim and Chris Charlton joined us for a day, and Jim worked on electrical roughing in (a huge help, which also freed Kevin up to work on other important projects), while Chris helped Sue pull off old siding, haul debris to the dumpster, and pull out some bushes. What a blessing they were.

Hello, Jim. How’s the weather up there?

Chris and Sue

Chris Ninja
Ninja Chris here. Let me at those bushes!

A breath of fresh air arrived when dear, dear friend Nancy Anderson showed up to help transform some ugly old kitchen cupboards into what will eventually be lovely bathroom cabinetry. Of course we–and the house–were blessed by her amazing interior design insights and ideas. She spent several days with us, so of course we had to treat her to a bonfire. Gosh we love that gal!

Nancy and cabinets
Do you really think we can do anything with these old things?
Nancy and Kevin and cabinets
Maybe if Kevin sands them down first…
Nancy and cabinet doors
I think this is working….
paint samples
“There are no ugly colors; there are only unfortunate combinations and applications thereof.” ~Nancy Anderson
Nancy and bonfire
Time to relax.

What a fun visit we had with our good friends Bob and Theresa Schuhriemen. They spent the night at Sue’s mom’s house so we could stay up late and enjoy one of our now nearly-famous bonfires. Not realizing how primitive our homestead is at this point, they brought wine–but we have no corkscrew. Well, as you might imagine, that was no problem for Kevin “MacGyver” Colbert….

And one day some inspectors showed up—oh wait, those are Sue’s high school cheerleading friends, Mary Ann Cunningham and Tami Trulock! Who knew? Anyway, we apparently passed inspections because they didn’t shut us down.


These are just some of the friends who have come to lend a hand and/or cheer us on. More helpers are featured in past posts and more will be featured in future posts.

A big thank you to all!


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