Going Up, Going Up, Going Up-up-up!

Going Up, Going Up, Going Up-up-up!

Once the floor boards were in place, it was time for the real fun to begin: building and raising the second story stud walls. This required some real team work and patience with each other. As previously mentioned, we had worked together in business for many years, but this has been a completely new experience, and we have found we are still learning how we each think (differently!) and why we react in the ways we do (differently!). Sue has had to learn the names and uses of myriad tools and has been challenged by spatial concepts and the basics of simple machines. Kevin, for his part (since he already knew all those things), has had to learn you can’t talk to your wife like you would talk to another construction worker—oh wait, he’s still working on that! But at least he’s starting to accept the fact that if Sue doesn’t understand something (a far too frequent occurrence), it is not helpful to repeat the same word or phrase louder and louder and LOUDER. Rather, he needs to find a different way to say it—using simple words, directions, and analogies that Sue can understand and relate to. Infuriating—yes, but necessary if we are to move forward. Needless to say, we have been stretched at times.

But back to the things Kevin is really good at…..Check out these videos of him raising and placing stud walls all by himself.


And then–just to put your mind at ease about our marriage—a special video which shows us working together pretty well. And even sort of having fun….maybe.


One thought on “Going Up, Going Up, Going Up-up-up!”

  1. I had an awesome time watching these videos! I had to admit I was worried about Kevin being on the edge by himself! Love love the dancing! You do look like you work well together!


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