The De-Trussing

The De-Trussing

Finally the time arrived (Memorial Day weekend) to remove the roof trusses on the side of the house where the little ½ story will be turned into a full second story with multiple rooms, rather than the existing one room with slanted ceilings. How to get those huge trusses off of there…..

Enter Team De-Trussing! Our wonderful neighbor Terry enlisted the help of his daughter and wife (and brought along a few other family members to witness the feat), and our son Micah brought friends Tony and Shawn. Son Stephen also showed up the second day to help us with the final trusses (and to aid in the removal of a snake slinking around in the garage insulation–which you will see if you dare to watch the video). And our friend Mike was back to learn new skills that he will probably never use again. Oh well, it was teamwork and a fun weekend. A bit nerve-wracking at times, but we got ‘er done!

Those huge trusses were stacked carefully in the front yard (and a couple set aside for repairs) to await the day when we will hoist them back up–but this time on top of the new second story we will be building. Can’t imagine how that’s going to happen, but stay tuned; Kevin has some ideas.

Video 1: Let the De-Trussing Begin

Video 2: End of Trusses



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